Last night Damon and I hosted a small group of friends at our place. This is the first time that we've ventured out into social life since the coup at ELEMENT. One of our friends brought me a basket filled with lemons. Also in the basket was a nice, sunny yellow pitcher, a citrus reamer and a 5 lb. bag of sugar. It was a wonderfully appropriate gift that spoke to both folly of the past few weeks and the lightness that comes from being able to move on powerfully. When life serves you lemons.....
But I'm not too sure about these lemons. I think they may be special. Evidence over the past few days make me nearly certain that everything is happening exactly as it should. For a few years now, I've been aware that the power struggle over ELEMENT would erupt one day. I just didn't expect it so suddenly. I had long ago abandoned the idealistic thought that the director of our host organization would willingly release the program to its own destiny as long as there were grant dollars involved. Nor could I have anticipated that a dear friend would trade friendship for the illusion of power and position. I think that these lemons are being served up just in time. And I think that having the opportunity to step back from the madness has provided great clarity about exactly what it is that we were creating. And I am quite clear who we were creating it for. I have not forgotten these guys and my commitment to them is stronger than ever.
For the past several days, I've been developing the next chapter of my life. When I sit in inquire within myself, I remember one of my Landmark course leaders talking about the nature of commitment. She was talking about those things that we are so committed to that we are willing to give ourselves over to them. It was the second workday for the Introduction Leaders Program. Sitting in that classroom, I was clear that I was willing to give myself over to developing a gay men's wellness initiative. The next week, I withdrew from the ILP and began developing Men4Men4Life in earnest. This was the first seed that was planted. And from this seed, we developed a highly successful program. Even as those who are orchestrating ELEMENT's downfall seek to discredit me through rumor and innuendo, the truth of ELEMENT is that it was created from nothing. The creativity and imagination that created ELEMENT remains embedded within me. What a wonderful opportunity I have been afforded to go all out in creating something new. That's what's next.
So, I'm going to be making some lemonade; both figuratively and literally. First, I'm going to recognize that I don't need all that the lemon has for me. I just want the juice. The peel is just the outer covering. To focus on the peel undermines the value of the juice. Then, I'm going to add just enough water to get the desired strength. I tend to not like overly bitter things. I'll add sugar and sweeten it to my own taste. The nice thing about having a lot of lemons is that you can make a lot of lemonade. Have some.
I am intrigued by these particular lemons. I know that they are a gift and I know that they are meant for my good. Hey Life! Thanks for the lemons. But I also know that the river of life that runs through me will keep the bitter at bay. And my friends, I love you. Your kindness and generosity are sweet to me like honey on the tongue. So I say Yes to all of it. This is the perfect recipe for fresh lemonade.
lemon merangue pie isn't such a bad idea either. it's good to let things bake. tastes good.
-greg archer
hmmm, that sounds good. I'll have to try it.
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